Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Art of Digital Thievery

     Driving a Westy Bus is basically driving a house, but way better.  For instance, there is no homeowner's insurance.  And no lawn to mow.  And no little kids riding their bikes down your driveway.  But, by far, the best part of having a Westy is the free internet.  All that is needed is a laptop and a group of maybe four houses.  You can bet your bottom dollar that you can connect to an unsecured wireless network leaving you with free wifi.  Sure you look you creepy in a VW Bus sitting outside of someone's house stalking someone on facebook, but it's all in good humor.  Just a heads up- take off your mask when lurking for internet in a semi-stalker bus because sometimes grown-ups find that creepy. -VGT

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