Saturday, November 6, 2010


     There are more than one ways to skin a cat, but there is only one proper way to get a slurpee from a gas station.  Slurpees contain air, which makes the slurpee less dense.  To get the most out of your slurpee you must expel this air leaving you in a flavored fizzy awesomeness.  First, put the lid on your cup to maximize your slurpee volume.  After filling your slurpee, let your slurpee sit for roughly 20 seconds.  Then, tap the bottom of the cup on the counter a few times.  This presses the slurpee down farther into the cup.  You will see that about half your cup is empty now because you compressed the slurpee.  Now, fill your cup again and repeat the steps.  Congratulations, you just got the most out of your slurpee.  Be aware of ugly stares from the 7 Eleven staff. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Art of Digital Thievery

     Driving a Westy Bus is basically driving a house, but way better.  For instance, there is no homeowner's insurance.  And no lawn to mow.  And no little kids riding their bikes down your driveway.  But, by far, the best part of having a Westy is the free internet.  All that is needed is a laptop and a group of maybe four houses.  You can bet your bottom dollar that you can connect to an unsecured wireless network leaving you with free wifi.  Sure you look you creepy in a VW Bus sitting outside of someone's house stalking someone on facebook, but it's all in good humor.  Just a heads up- take off your mask when lurking for internet in a semi-stalker bus because sometimes grown-ups find that creepy. -VGT

Monday, October 25, 2010

Smarties Cigarettes

     Smoking cigarettes is damn near lame as being hipster.  But, an addiction is an addiction and they are hard to kick.  An upcoming fighter of cigarette addictions is $1 away at the nearest dollar store.  Smarties cigarettes are a new alternative to tobacco ridden cancer causing cigarettes.  To make Smarties cigarettes:

1.  Crush the Smarties before opening the pack.  Nick has discovered that twisting the Smarties back and forth grinds the Smarties and is very efficient.

2.  Slightly unroll both ends of the Smarties pack.  If you unroll too much, the Smarties will move around and that decrease the smoke output.

3.  Now smoke the Smarties like a cigar, be careful not to breathe the Smarties dust into your lungs, because it's probably really bad for you. The Van Go Team is not responsible for any asthma attacks, we definitely told you not to breathe it in.

     Enjoy your new healthy alternative to smoke cigarettes.  Now we just need to find a solution to our slurpee addictions. -VGT